Don’t spend your holidays under the weather! It’s not too late to get your flu shot.
For anyone who has endured influenza, the idea of getting a flu shot each winter is a welcome one. The thought of experiencing the achy muscles and discomfort again are enough to inspire anyone to stay up to date with their flu shot. For those who are still on the fence about whether or not a shot is really necessary, keep in mind that a quick trip to the doctor for a flu shot can save you days in the future of being down with the flu. In addition, flu season aligns perfectly with the holiday season, making it even more important for you and your loved ones to take a moment to update your flu shot to avoid missing the real spirit of the season and all the celebrations, family gatherings and good food that come with it.
While you might be thinking it’s too late to get your flu shot, the real upshot of the situation is that a flu shot at any point of the flu season is better than no shot at all. For caregivers, parents and expecting mothers, it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself makes it possible for you to care for others. And for many folks, especially those who are older or might have compromising health issues, a shot can mean the difference between life and death. In short, there’s really nothing to lose by getting your shot but everything to gain should you come in contact with the virus.
So give yourself the gift of health this holiday season and get your flu shot! It’s worth a shot, right?
Stop in at the Butler County Clinic during regular business hours for your flu shot.